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Home Archive for category "Urbanism"
107 posts in this category

"Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions”

Content A. Bisello, D. Vettorato, P. Laconte, S. Costa (Eds.): "Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions. Results of SSPCR 2017". Series: Green Energy and Technology. Offers a unique merger between planning and other disciplines on the smart and sustainable city concept Provides theoretical and operative approaches from Europe and beyond to inspire policymakers Addresses


"Construction et déconstruction d'une Europe démocratique 1951-1957-2017"

"1951-1957-2017 : construction et déconstruction d'une Europe démocratique", Pierre Laconte - PDF "La déconstruction politique de la Belgique et Bruxelles", Pierre Laconte - PDF


"Croissance démographique et approvisionnement en énergie", position de la FFUE

"Croissance démographique et approvisionnement en énergie" - Briefing FFUE 12/2017 - PDF "Bevolkingsgroei en energievoorraad" - Briefing FFUE 12/2017 - PDF "Demographic growth and energy resources" - Briefing FFUE 12/2017 - PDF "La bulle pétrolière va-t-elle exploser ?" publié sur Linkedin, 15/12/2017


Biennale Architettura 2018 Venezia - compte rendu Pierre Laconte

"La Biennale d’architecture de Venise 2018 : une Biennale féminine" compte rendu par Pierre LACONTE (PDF) Album Pierre Laconte. "Architettura immaginata. Disegni dalle raccolte della Fondazione Giorgio Cini", Palazzo Cini, Venezia, => 17/09/2018 Album P. Laconte - Giardino Eden, Venezia Pierre Laconte "Biennale et paquebots", Revue Urbanisme, n°387, nov.-déc. 2012, p.10. Pierre Laconte "Une biennale


"DEMO:POLIS - The Right to Public Space", Akademie der Künste (Academy of Arts) - 03-05/2016 Berlin

"DEMO:POLIS - The Right to Public Space", edited by Barbara Hoidn, Akademie der Künste, The University of Texas at Austin - School of Architecture, Park Books, Berlin, 2016. Mitglieder der Sektion Baukunst


"Industrial and engineering heritage – a resource for today: some European best practices"

ICOMOS-Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), ICOMOS-HUST Engineering, Culture & Landscape International Symposium, Wuhan 16th November 2013. Read the programme - PDF Published under the title "Derelict industrial land, a valuable resource for the city of tomorrow - some international best practices of potential consequence to China" by Southeast University Press, "Engineering, Culture, Landscape"


"European industrial and engineering heritage as an illustration of current challenges in defining heritage and its uses"

in The Venice Charter at Fifty (1964-2014), "Change Over Time", 4.2 - Fall 2014, pp. 308-320.


"Cities as sustainable systems" - IASS Potsdam 27/04/2016

Guest lecture, Institute For Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) e.V., Berliner Str. 130, 14467 Potsdam, Wednesday 27 April 2016. Illustration: Rotterdam’s Maeslantkering protective barrier.


"La présence de la Wallonie et de Bruxelles au Salon MIPIM 2014"

Les Cahiers Nouveaux N°88, juin 2014, pp. 110-112.


"Planning in a disunited kingdom"

John Tomaney and Claire Colomb in Town & Country Planning, February 2014, pp.80-83.

Home Archive for category "Urbanism"
© Foundation for the Urban Environment 2013