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Europa Nostra and Industrial Heritage


  1. Europa Nostra
  2. Europa Nostra - European Cultural Heritage Summit
  3. Europa Nostra - Berlin Call to Action
  4. IEHC - Committee members and CV's
  5. IEHC Chairman's Report to Europa Nostra Council
  6. IEHC - Publications projects
  7. IEHC - Activities

Europa Nostra

"Europa Nostra was founded on 29 November 1963 in Paris. For over 50 years, it has celebrated, protected and lobbied for cultural heritage. Europa Nostra is today recognised as the most representative heritage organisation in Europe with members from over 40 countries."

Europa Nostra - European Cultural Heritage Summit

With over 67 events organised in the frame of the Summit, more than 1,500 participants from all countries across Europe and beyond gathered to debate, learn, exchange ideas, network, and celebrate our shared cultural heritage.

Europa Nostra - Berlin Call to Action

The European Cultural Heritage Summit culminated with the presentation of the Berlin Call to Action “Cultural Heritage for the Future of Europe” at the end of the European Policy Debate “Sharing Heritage - Sharing Values” which was held on 22 June. The Presidents of the three co-hosting organisations of the European Cultural Heritage Summit, namely Maestro Plácido Domingo, President of Europa Nostra, Dr. Martina Münch, President of the German Cultural Heritage Committee (DNK), and Prof. Dr. Hermann Parzinger, President of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK) and Executive President of Europa Nostra, were proud to be the first signatories of Berlin Call to Action.

Chairman's Report to Europa Nostra Council 27/10/2019

Publications projects

Among its 2019 publication projects:

  • a collective book under the title "The first industrial continent" about the European impact of industrial heritage with one example from each country,
  • a brochure in the EN format to be published for its 10th anniversary about a brochure about “Ten years of scouting best practices in industrial and engineering heritage”, inspired by the Norwegian and Baltic heritage brochures, and adding to the EN collection of publications. It will be designed by the Danube University with the support of Europa Nostra Austria, in line with its retrieving the EN Awards archives.


Apart from collective action within the IEHC, some of its members are active as Assessors or Members of the International Jury for the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards, as members of the International Advisory Panel for the 7 Most Endangered European Cultural Sites Programme and as lobbyists or as authors of IH-related publications.

Since its inception in 2008 it has become a tradition that the IEHC organises a separate special IH-excursion for participants of EN’s Annual Congresses as was the case in Taormina (2009), Istanbul (2010), Amsterdam (2011), Lisbon (2012), Athens (2013), Vienna (2014), Oslo (2015), Madrid (2016), Turku (2017) and Paris (2019).

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